About the course
The online course “TEXTURES AND SURFACES” focuses on developing your technical felting skills and the importance of finding inspiration, being motivated, and developing your creative ideas into finished artistic designs and artworks. This is a sample-making course that supports the participant`s inspiration, vision, and design skills in their future creative projects and focuses on the techniques used in wet felting mediums to create endless possibilities for textured surface design elements. This course requires an independent approach to observing your environment and working with your ideas using exercises, worksheets, videos and guides at your own speed and with the 1-2-1 mentorship guiding you through the process of completing your finished artwork. GOALS FOR THE COURSE: - Finding inspiration through textures & surfaces surrounding you and supporting your artistic potential to the highest level - Learning various felting techniques, surface design elements and different materials for creating textures in the wet felting medium - Supporting your creative vision with design process exercises with worksheets and guides for creating felted artworks MODULES: - Module I "INSPIRATION" - tips for finding and capturing inspiration with three different exercises and a worksheet. - Module II "LEARNING TECHNIQUES" - learning felting techniques with step-by-step instructions as PDFs and prerecorded videos for learning surface design elements such as fringes, folds, ruffles, raised elements, resist and Shibori felting and creating various surfaces using different materials. This module contains different presentations for creating textures, finishing touches and completing artworks. - Module III "DESIGN PROCESS" helps you to make new designs with exercises, worksheets, guides and a presentation explaining the techniques used in my wall hangings over the years. All participants are welcome to my private Facebook group “Textures & Surfaces in Feltmaking"!